Marsabit water and Sewerage Company (MARWASCO) is a fully formed WSP owned by the County Government of Marsabit to undertake water supply and sewerage services in the country. It started its operations in July 2016 taking over the O&M and management of water supply facilities from the Sub-County Water Officers. The WSP is established under the Marsabit Water Service Act, 2018, aligning to the Water Act 2016. It is a Sole water service provider legally constituted under the County Government of Marsabit.
Location and Areas of Operation
Marsabit County is located in the extreme part of Northern Kenya and has a total area of 70,961.2 It has an international boundary with Ethiopia to the north, borders Turkana County to the west, Samburu County to the south and Wajir and Isiolo counties to the east. It lies between latitude 02o 45oNorth and 04o 27o North and longitudes 37o 57o East and 39o 21o East. MARWASCO is responsible for provision of water and sewerage services within Marsabit Township and other urban areas as may be determined by the County Executive Committee Members. Currently MARWASCO only serves Marsabit township, located in Central Ward, Saku Sub- County. Marsabit central ward covers an area of 1,583 Km2 with a population of 51,426 and a population density of 32 persons/km2 based on the 2019 census. MARWASCO sources its water from Bakuli dam, located 8km from the town in Marsabit forest. The dam has four reservoir components built from 1980’s. The newly constructed 20m high Bakuli 4 dam, funded by ADB, provides a storage capacity of 300,000 m3. It is designed to supply 1300 m3 of water per day for treatment and domestic use. Current abstraction however is 700m3/day. Water from the dam is then pumped (170m head) to the water treatment plant that utilizes a 20m3 Composite Filtration Unit (CFU). Thereafter the treated water moves via gravity to a reservoir before being supplied to the water kiosks, individual households, and institutions. The water supply within Marsabit town is distributed to 5 zones namely: Hospital Zone, Ajaa Tisa Zone, Madaraka Estate Zone, Old Town Zone, and Governors Line Zone. Future expansion plans are in place to provide water in the adjacent Sakale, Sagante and Jaldesa Wards. To meet the demand of water in other serviced areas in Marsabit town, the company has 5 Community Kiosks that serve residence by rationing.
“To be the leading Company in provision of water and sewerage services in Kenya”
“To improve quality of life by providing safe, reliable, adequate, and affordable water and sanitation services through commercially and environmentally sustainable approaches to the satisfaction of our customers and other stakeholders.”
Organizational Core Values
• Transparency and accountability – MARWASCO will uphold integrity in all its work. It shall demonstrate accountability and engaging the customers. shareholders, shareholders, stakeholders, and development partners.
• Customer Focus – MARWASCO will offer quality services to all its customers and striving to be responsive to changes and needs of customers and stakeholders, and development partners.
• Respect for Diversity – MARWASCO will be sensitive to diversity and at all times seeking to harness the strength derived from it.
• Efficiency- MARWASCO is committed to ensure efficiencies in service delivery, sustainable utilization of available resources for the benefit of the present and future generations.
• Integrity, Professionalism, and Innovativeness- MARWASCO is committed to uphold integrity and professionalism in all its activities and embrace innovative approaches enhancing quality and sustainability of service delivery to customers and stakeholders.
Abstraction Compliance
To ensure compliance with the regulatory requirements of Water Rights and Works as outlined in The Water Act 2016, MARWASCO obtains water abstraction permit from WRA. This ensures that the WSP plays its vital role in ensuring management of water resources for optimal beneficial use of water for economic development of the country, ensuring fair share allocation and protecting the environment. The Water abstraction permit
Summary of Regulatory Compliance
Water Abstraction Compliance issued by WRA
Environmental Compliance issued by NEMA
Operational License issued by WASREB
Gazetted Tariffs Issued by WASREB